Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Have Issues (4)

Loki vs. The Avengers II
(Continued from I have Issues (3)

I Have Issues (3)

Loki Vs. The Avengers Part 1

The Avengers movie comes out this week and the main villain as everyone probably knows is Loki. Just like in the movie, Loki is responsible for the Avengers banding together in the comics. I apologize in advance as this has been a hectic couple of weeks for me but I desperately wanted to get this out before the Avengers make it on screen. I did not have as much time to go over this as I personally would have liked. 

I Have Issues (2)

The Original Avengers VS. X-Men
I was planning on doing some Avengers issues in anticipation of the new movie coming out. While deciding which issue to do I came across this little gem. It's the first battle between the Avengers and the X-Men. I thought it might be neat for those like me who are reading the current AVX storyline to see how the first bout went down. I will also be doing newer stuff for those who have little to no interest in the old school comics but let's travel back to 1968 first.

Avengers # 53 (1968)
(Writer) Roy Thomas
(Artist) John Buscema

I Have Issues (1)

             I have been a fan of comic books for 21 years and have amassed a pretty sizable collection. I have read every Issue I own once, and in most cases only once. A month ago I was laid off from work and of course money becomes an issue and I had to cut back from my 20 issues a month to my current three must buys. Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, and I switched from Uncanny X-Men to Avengers VS. X-Men because me loves a good fight! So I'm sitting around and thinking what the hell am I going to read? Duh, I have around 5,000 comics and close to 75 Graphic Novels. I could literally never buy another comic again and have plenty to read. So Why not go back and read all of these issues and give my personal take on them. I enjoy writing and I love the Blog of Doom, so what better way to add these three great tastes and make them taste great together! I hope everyone can laugh and have a good time with my work and if you like reading this half as much as I enjoyed writing it, I will be happy to write some more.

Giant-Size X-Men # 1 (1975)